There's an app for everything...

Like everyone, when the new year hits I attempt to get organized, and this year is no exception.  Having a smart phone can be a big help with this.  Apps can be a travelers best friend.  There are tons of apps out there;  tour guide apps, hotel apps, apps that hail a cab for name it and there's an app for it!  Below, in no particular order, I have listed my "Top 10" favorite travel apps.

1.  Tripit

Photo courtesy of the GeekGuys

Okay, how I wish that I would have thought of creating this before the geniuses at Tripit did!  One of my BIGGEST complaints about taking a trip, is the hours that I spend organizing it!  I have an itinerary and schedules on my computer and I can't tell you how many times that they have accidentally been deleted.  Well, Tripit will organize all of your travel plans in one place, all that you have to do is forward all confirmations to them and snap, just like that it's done for you!  Tripit is FREE, however the pumped up version Tripit Pro does have a yearly subscription fee.  Try it out and see how easy your travel organization can be!

2.  Tripadvisor

Photo courtesy of xconomy

This app has all of the amazing benefits of Tripadvisor, but it's accessible on the go via your smart phone!  There are hotel reviews, restaurant recommendations and even a "Best of 2014" list to keep you up to date on top travel trends.  With over "100 million candid reviews" and customer photos, you can't go wrong with this app.

Photo courtesy of PCMAG
Another great app from the team at Tripadvisor.  Tripadvisor Cityguides works offline and suggests "self-guided" walking tours with photos and descriptions to help make the most of your trip.  This app helped me guide my family around Rome at our own pace and having all of the info on my phone made it easier than lugging around the guidebook!  You can also document your trip in Cityguides journal, which lets you capture your photos and easily share them with your friends via Facebook. 

4.  The Weather Channel

Photo courtesy of SmokinApps

This one is a no-brainer!  Who doesn't need to know what the weather is like?  The Weather Channel's handy little app gives you animated maps, new features that tell you exactly what time rain or snow is due to start or stop at your location.  What's really helpful to the traveler is that you can store numerous cities in the "manage location" area. 

5.  Packing Pro

Photo courtesy of Vagabondish

Yep, here's another one that I wish I had created.  I pack in stages, not all at once.  Often times items are in the laundry so I write notes to remind myself to pack them when they are dry.  I usually have several sticky notes for each family member...not productive at all!  Well, this app has solved all of my problems!  You can have lists for everyone, lists for every upcoming trip and Packing Pro even suggests items that you may need to bring with you!  It also has a "to do" list for before your trip and an "essentials" area for the important items that you can't leave home without.  Thanks to Packing Pro, I have saved my sanity as well as a lot of trees!

6.  HopStop

Photo courtesy of Jerry Smart World

I have to admit it, before I moved to Europe, I was a bit of a public transportation snob.  I didn't do busses and only did the subway if I had to.  Well, I soon threw that attitude out the window.  Public transportation is the way to go if you are traveling.  It's a much cheaper option to taxis and I have learned that it is very safe in most cities.  HopStop gives you the best subway, walking or biking route to get to your location, figures transit times and will even call a local taxi for you.  This has been a life saver for many on many occasions.  Try it for yourself and see what I mean!

7.  Currency XE

Photo courtesy Appletoolbox

I use this app on a daily basis, sometimes numerous times a day.  It is so easy to pull out your phone and quickly convert any currency.  Currency XE stores the latest updated currency rates so it even works offline.  With over 30,000 currency rates available, it is no wonder this is the most downloaded foreign exchange app.

Photo courtesy of Techticker

Another app that I use on a DAILY basis is Google Translate.  This has helped me more times than I can count.  You can type in what you are trying to translate, or use the speaker feature to speak into your phone.  This free app translates more than 70 languages and can help you with anything from ordering a glass of wine, to translate your hotel bill.

Photo courtesy of iphoneipadoggr

With the Flight Tracker app you can watch planes move in real time, search for individual flight times and status and set custom alerts.  This app makes it easy to know if your flight has been delayed or the gate has changed with its feature that actually turns your screen into an arrivals board.  Picking someone up from the airport has never been so easy, simply click on their flight and there is all the arrival info you will need.  Missing your flight will be a thing of the past if you download this app!

10.  TravelSafe

Photo courtesy of Appszoom
There have been a few times when I was traveling, that for a fleeting moment I have that "what if" feeling.  Where would I go if?  What would I do if we needed help?  Well, with TravelSafe you have emergency service numbers for any country that you could ever imagine visiting.  This app has police, fire and emergency numbers as well as who to call if you have a passport issue.  Travel Safe is so user friendly.  I know that I feel better having all of this information at my fingertips.  Now, let's hope that it is never used.

So, I have shown you a few of the apps that I will be using on my journey this year.  What are a few of your favorites?


  1. thank you so much for stopping by my blog from SITS tribe! Your site is very nice and I am looking forward to checking out your posts Am now following you on google connect too!!

    1. Thanks Rosemary. Fun to find fellow travel bloggers!!

  2. Hi Dena- I FINALLY was able to upgrade from a Blackberry back in October and Love my new iPhone5. My favorite travel apps are Waze, Ness, Yelp, and Gas Buddy. I'm not sure if they are available to you in Germany but they are helpful when traveling in the US. Happy to cross virtual paths with you and be a part of your SITS tribe this week.

    1. Oh I am so going to look into those apps. Hope a few of these can be of help on your "journey". Thanks for stopping by!

  3. One of my FAVORITE travel apps is called "Roadside" and basically when your on a roadtrip it shows you cool or weird things that around you! On a roadtrip to Toronto last summer my boyfriend and I stopped at Mark Twains Grave and in Wyoming we went to the town of Buford that has a population of 1!! .....really weird, but lots of fun!!!

    I also really like CityMaps2go which costs like 3 dollars but you can download basically any map in the world, its pretty nifty!

    Found you via our SITS tribe!!

    1. Oh I am so going to try Roadside!! I think sometimes we miss so many cool things that are off the beaten path! Thanks so much for stopping by and looking forward to being part of the tribe!

  4. Thank you for putting together this awesome list! I have a few of these apps on my phone already, but I'm excited to add the others that I had no idea existed. Pack Pro? TripIt? Hop Stop? Yes, please! Wish I knew about them a lot sooner!

    1. Pack Pro has to be my favorite--I use it ALL of the time!!

  5. I love finding new apps, I haven't used many of these so thanks. I use whatsapp all the time when I travel to keep in touch when I'm away, and it's FREE! Great post Triber!

    1. Thx Roni!! Whatsapp is a life saver isn't it? I text all my friends back home with it and it makes living abroad a bit easier. Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to exploring our tribe!

  6. Great info! I used many of these on my round-the-world trip last year, but didn't know about some of them. We used TripIt, XE, TripAdvisor and Google Translate daily. I also liked Triposo, which uses travel info from several sources and can be downloaded to use offline in places where you don't have a data connection. We also used Trail Wallet to track our expenditures. I wish I had known about Hop Stop! Looks great. We also used the airbnb app to book our lodging quite often.

    I'm so glad to find such great info from my SITS tribe! Looking forward to exploring more.

    1. Wow Paige, just looked into Trail Wallet--how cool is that!! Thanks for the great suggestion. Loving the Tribe support!! Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Hi Dena, another SITS Tribe member here. I love and use 4 of those apps already but will certainly be checking out the rest. Especially the Packing Pro! Looking forward to reading (and learning) more soon! Lisa

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lisa and Im so glad that I could be of help :) Ill try to keep you entertained!!

  8. I LOVE the TripAdvisor city guides! I don't know where I'd be without them. Great post!

    1. I know, aren't they great. So many cool walks that I would never have discovered without them!


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