Memories and Mementos...

“Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you traveled.” – Mohammed

I absolutely love to travel and that is one of the reasons that when my husband brought up moving to Germany to become an expat, I didn't think twice...imagine the travel we would be able to do! 

Growing up, I was the one always wondering what else was out there???  What new adventures were waiting to be discovered.  When I was twenty, I moved to Puerto Rico to experience a bit of the Latin lifestyle.  When I was twenty five and married, I moved 1800 miles across the country, and never thought twice about it!  

After 6 moves and being blessed with the ability to see many different cultures and countries I am surrounded by items that I have picked up along the way.  I can look around my house,  and instantly be "taken back" to a special time in my life.  Often the special souvenirs cost next to nothing...

The crocodile that greets anyone when they walk in our front door was picked up from a vendor in South Africa for a mere $5.00

The glass from Glass Beach in Kauai, Hawaii was collected by my kids and is a constant reminder of the days when they were young enough to spend hours filling buckets with sand.  

This Argentinian wedding blanket was an Anniversary gift that my husband and I bought on our 15th Anniversary trip to Buenos Aires.  It almost didn't make it home with us as it weighs so much that we debated on our ability to fit it in the suitcase.

When I first moved to Europe I decided that I would collect "oldish" or antique paintings or pictures of the country or city that I was visiting.  Soon I realized that I didn't really have the wall space to do this, however a few made it up.  One of my favorites, a painting I picked up from a street vendor in Bruges, Belgium, reminds me of a wonderful weekend that my mom and I enjoyed there.  

There are many places that I have searched and searched for that perfect "something" to take home with me, but could never quite find.  For those locations, I have photographs and memories.  But I must say that when I settle in at the end of the day, it is comforting to be surrounded by the mementos that have helped create my story.

What is your favorite memento?


  1. Memories. My vase from Venice

  2. Mine are not the mementos I've picked up along my journey, but the friendships I've been fortunate enough to make. The friendships and the memories we share are priceless to me.

  3. For me it is about the learning of cultural differences, learning new foods, and gaining new friendships. I love your momentos especially the crocodile.
    Stopping by from the "Bloglovin Hop". Now following you on Bloglovin, G+, Facebook, and Twitter.
    Have a great weekend :)
    Bismah @
    Simple Mama

  4. I love the idea of having mementos around the house that bring back such lovely memories. I cannot wait to do the same when I move to the US next month and travel around there.

    Molly xo


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