We have crossed over to the other side...

I think it's happened, and I'm not sure exactly when.  We may have crossed over to accepting our host country as our "home".

I have noticed recently that the complaints are becoming fewer and farther between.  I personally find myself listing more of the things that I do like, instead of the things that I don't.  I find myself making excuses for the aloofness of a local, and even find myself taking on the traits of my hosts.  I say "excuse me" far less than I used to, and have even found it very annoying when people say it to me too often.

I think the kids have crossed over as well.  The other day, the oldest expat said to me how much he "missed" his friends in Germany.

Of course this has happened after living in a location for a year and a half...because, that's usually the point when we start to think of our next move!


  1. Don t leave me......

  2. Oh, Anonymous now you have me curious...who are you?

  3. I find that where i sleep at night quickly becomes 'home' in a sense...maybe because i am used to the expat malarky in lots of ways...not sure if i like that though..

  4. Robyn-How correct you are. I think if you have your "people" and your things, you can be at home in most places! Thanks for stopping by

  5. That's a wonderful feeling! After all, you are there so just being a part of it and not fighting it is half the battle. I lived in France two different times for 8 years. It's not always easy! I do love Germany though. I was an exchange student for a summer in Gerbach. :) I went back a few times after that. Can't wait to follow your adventures!

  6. It really is Karen. It's like a wave, if you dive right in you can get through it! Where in France did you live? It is my favorite country so far!

  7. Thanks for visiting The Little White House. If you ever have a question about buying a house in France, feel free to email me!

    1. I will so take you up on that! I love the french countryside and the people! Stop back by again!

  8. sweet post.. i dream to live in french or germany but so far still stuck in south east asia :/

    let's keep in touch!

    Stop by and say hi sometimes :)

    1. I really do love living in Europe, everything is so close. However, Asia wouldn't be bad either! Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog

  9. I am always amazed how quickly people adjust...good for you!!! My son is in Europe now, studying...wish we could visit!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  10. Thanks for visiting! I have to say, in an Expat community, it's much easier than I thought it would be!!
    If you have the chance to visit your son, make sure that you do! Europe is amazing.

  11. Wonderful post!
    Come say hi:)
    Home is where the heart is indeed! :)

    1. Thanks Regine, home sure is where the heart is! Thanks for stopping by the blog and I hope I keep you entertained!

  12. Dena,
    It's a good feeling isn't it. It kind of sneaks up on you and then one day you just realize this is home. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Boy it sure does Selena, and it's shocking when you hear your kids speak of your host country as "home".
      Have to say it made me happy! You have an amazing weekend as well!


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