longing for home...

"peace, that was the other name for home." Kathleen Norris

i'm feeling a bit homesick today. as anyone who ran into me today knows, i very easily could have jumped on the next british airways flight home.

it wasn't as bad as when we first arrived, but it was there. i missed the ease of things. i missed a glass of wine and a hug from my best friend. i missed turning on the air conditioner, and i missed running to the grocery at 6:30 p.m. and finding meat to cook for dinner.

when i feel homesick, i tend to curl up on my couch, and watch my favorite american television program.

what do you do to help make you feel a little less homesick?



  1. I text my friends in the US and listen to Pandora. Also, I watch some American TV as well - usually an old episode of Glee or FNL's!

  2. FNL tonight!!! Great minds think alike!

  3. Miss you too!!! Sending a hug!!!

  4. I think about all the amazing people I have been blessed to meet while here in Germany and realize that I would not have had the opportunity to meet them if not on this particular journey with them. I mean you, by the way. Love ya!

    1. such a good point Jennifer! amazing friendships and such an amazing journey!

  5. I go shopping or make Mexican food :)


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